Caring about Bruges

With your financial support, Bruges Foundation can further cherish, protect and give Bruges' heritage a new future.
Thanks to the FRIENDS OF BRUGGE FOUNDATION, you can give online through King Baudouin Foundation. The Friends Fund and the King Baudouin Foundation ensure that any donation of 40 euros or more qualifies for a tax reduction of 45%.

Your participation is decisive
for the success of all our projects.

We dream of a healthy, liveable and vibrant city. Help us help today so that together we can make Bruges more beautiful and better for residents, neighbours and visitors. 

Donation by bank transfer

Make a donation to the Friends of Bruges Foundation via the King Baudouin Foundation.

Transfer your amount to account BE10 0000 0000 0404 (KBS) with the notice +++016/1760/00005+++  Or scan the QR code below.

Donation via PayConiq

Would you rather pay directly online? Deposit your donation via the PayConiq app!

Scan the QR code below via the PayConiq app.

The payment through PayConiq will also work through KBS, we guarantee a safe payment.

With your financial support, the Brugge Foundation can further cherish and protect Bruges' heritage and give it a new future. Thanks to the Friends of Brugge Foundation, you can give online via the King Baudouin Foundation.

Every donation of at least €40 entitles you to a tax reduction of 45%

Check the detailed information on the pages of the documents and the receipts for the tax certificate.

Support with standing order?

Do you wish to set up a standing order on King Baudouin Foundation account BE10 0000 0000 0404? Then be sure to include the following notice +++016/1780/00005+++.

Only then will your donation reach Brugge Foundation properly.

Include us in your will?

If you prefer not to give in life but would like to help Brugge Foundation by way of memory, you can include Brugge Foundation in your will.

Gift tax to private foundations is currently 5.5%.

A world of difference for you and for Brugge Foundation. You can also contact us for this.

Brugge Foundation, together with you, can explore linking your donation and memory to a specific project.

Doing something yourself

The most fun and interesting things we do in group, also our dreams realise. There are plenty of ideas that have already proven their worth elsewhere in the world, so you don't have to do all the thinking again. If you are planning a own action set up, please let us know. We will share your idea, we may be able to help you develop it and ... who knows, we might even come and join you!

You, yourself and your other self:

With your colleagues or members of your association:

Even if you want to volunteer, you are more than welcome at Brugge Foundation.
Get in touch with us; your talents enrich us too.

Extra meaning for a special day.

You want a special day, week, month, year in your life additional meaning give? You are throwing a party and the guests ask, "What can we do you a favour with?" You have no idea for a moment but think "Bruges is close to my heart". Then tell your friends how much you love the city and invite them to give to Bruges Foundation.

If you choose a self-selected communication, we can easily track donations. And so we can provide you with an easy overview of the people who donated in response to your appeal.

Do your donors still want a tax certificate? 
Thanks to the Friends of Bruges Foundation, you can give online at the King Baudouin Foundation .
Use the notice +++016/1780/00005+++ for any donation on account BE10 0000 0000 0404 (BIC BPOTBEB1) of the King Baudouin Foundation. That way, your donation will be put to good use. 

How do you proceed?

On your invitation, you explain that you prefer not to receive gifts, but make a warm appeal for donations to benefit Bruges Foundation.

  • Notify us of your initiative by emailing .
  • Be sure to include the call under which the donations will come in, for example 'Gift Ingrid 50' or 'Birthday Ann'. This will help us recognise the gifts from your family and friends.
  • On the invitation, state the account number BE59 5230 8078 6426 (BIC TRIOBEBB) of Bruges Foundation and you ask your guests to use the correct notice.
  • We will provide you, if you wish, with a record of who made a contribution. 

An acknowledgement to make these gifts from €40 tax-deductible to make is requested and ongoing. Today, we cannot guarantee a tax certificate.